Resentment Halt

Here are some typical symptoms of resentment. Which ones are yours?

Confusion – Why don’t others get it? Why don’t they understand and appreciate what you have achieved?

Inner self-talk battle – half of you is angry that you didn’t say what you felt, the other half is feeling selfish or ashamed.

Short-temperedness – You pick a fight because you are not getting what you need. Switching attention to others’ failures to feel better about yourself.

Passive aggressive behaviour – bad mouthing the subject of your resentment to others or to yourself under your breath or in your head!

Increased anxiety – when you aren’t listening to or speaking up for yourself anxiety can go through the roof.

When you spot your symptoms of resentment, check for HALT signals;
Do you feel: Hungry; Angry; Lonely; or Tired

When any of these discomfort or deprivation signals are in play, you are more vulnerable to obsessive ruminations about the resentments that you carry around. If you find yourself unable to let go of obsessive thoughts of resentment, you need to evaluate if you are in a psychologically vulnerable state due to the above factors. Meet your needs for food, rest, companionship, etc., before even attempting to get some perspective about the activity in your brain.