Healthy, High Performance means
being change ready feeling energised higher productivity
all achieved through fostering resilience.
We help you build Healthy, High Performance habits in your team, releasing the best of everyone.

We have been supporting individuals, leaders, teams and organisations since 2011 to build Healthy, High Performance and eradicate burnout. Our Coaching, Training and Dashboard solutions deliver impact.
- Resilient Leadership
- Energised Teams
- A Healthy Workforce Able To Improve Productivity
- Enhancing People’s Adaptability
- Day To Day Processes For Resilience Building
- Internal Organisational Resilience Capability
- A Healthy, High Performance Culture
Full Programme
Invest fully in data and tracking to achieve resilience increases of ~20%.
– Resilience Dynamic Dashboard® Enterprise solution
– Individual and team coaching

Light-Touch Programme
Invest in a light-touch data driven approach to achieve resilience increases of ~12%.
– Resilience Dynamic Dashboard® Team solution

Want to put a stop to your team’s burnout risk?
Join us for our Healthy, High Performance Workshop to find out how you can prevent burnout in your team.
We help organisations build resilience skills in a straightforward way. Our approach builds on our long standing research and experience in the field.
Our foremost research model, the Resilience Dynamic®, unlocks the strategic implications of resilience. This includes the know-how for any individual, team or organisation of how to foster Healthy, High Performance, including the appropriate first steps according to different resilience levels.


1:1 Coaching
Team Coaching
Organisational Coaching

Checkin Checkout (CICO)
Resilience Accreditation Programme

Dashboard Solo
Dashboard Team
Dashboard Enterprise
Check out your readiness to support your team
Take our free Healthy, High Performance Indicator
Last year we actively helped:
Individual Clients
Across 25 Countries

How We Can Help You
We help you and your team activate resilience. Our Healthy, High Performance Framework sets out a blueprint for how to shift from the focus on solely individual resilience, right through to unlocking Healthy, High Performance across the whole organisation.
Learn what others have done to embed Wellbeing, build a Change-Ready Workforce, and foster a Resilient Culture.
Is your workforce stressed or burnt out?
Change Ready
Need to improve your success rate in enabling change?
Resilient Culture
Is your context increasingly complex to navigate?

What people are saying?
Healthy, High Performance Indicator
Curious what is takes to craft a Healthy, High Performing Team?
Measure your readiness for resilience and wellbeing initiatives with our indicator. The indicator is based on 4 key drivers that underpin Healthy, High Performing Teams: your team’s need; the organisational culture; the organisational support for this initiative; and your team’s capacity to act on recommendations.