Dashboard Enterprise For Organisational Resilience
Dashboard Enterprise offers a simple way for organisations to See, Understand and Optimise your whole workforce’s resilience on a day to day basis; building Organisational Resilience.
Transform your organisation’s performance by embedding and developing organisational resilience with Dashboard Enterprise.
The Dashboard Enterprise solution helps to optimise organisational resilience in real time.
Building on Dashboard Team, this full workforce solution adds in the ability to track the resilience demand vs capacity across: individuals, teams, demographic groups or the whole enterprise. Individuals and teams gain insight into their own resilience patterns. Teams learn how to balance workload vs their energy and wellbeing. Leaders can view the whole enterprise, filtered by demographics, giving insight into key employee groupings such as age, tenure, gender and location.
At a Glance
See it
Evaluate your organisation’s resilience through the powerful self-assessment tools and our leading Resilience Tracker
See the hot spots and patterns of resilience across your entire workforce in real time, with deep dives into the tracking information of resilience demand vs capacity. Using the window of the Resilience Dynamic®, you will see the groups of employees at different stages of resilience, so that you can consider how to rebalance their resilience and wellbeing. Overall, your Secure, Neutral plus your Watch areas are easily identifiable.
Understand it
Understand how to release your workforce’s capacity through key resilience insights and tools
Dashboard Enterprise for organisational resilience enables your workforce to assess and track resilience and wellbeing. Individuals are offered resilience learning pathways based on their real-time data, preventing the build-up of wellbeing-draining behaviours. Together with the Resilience Fundamentals e-learning, individuals and teams understand their options for how to boost their own capacity, and balance this with their workload demands.
Optimise it
Shift the dial by optimising your full workforce’s resilience and wellbeing
Optimising your people’s resilience and wellbeing is down to two key fundamentals. Firstly, your people need to act to release their capacity as best they can. To achieve full optimisation, your second step is to address strategically where demand is not balanced with capacity, for example, unrealistic workloads.

We’ll change the way your workforce thinks about resilience every day.
Monitor & track your resilience.
Red Flags
View early warnings before wellbeing and engagement become an issue
Track Energy
Notice your own and your team’s energy patterns across time
Shift Feeling Overstretched
Track the impact of demand versus the energy of your people
Criticality of sleep
Get to know for real how much sleep matters
Track your Demand / Capacity
Track your Energy Levels
Track your Sleep lEVELS
Dashboard Enterprise FAQs
For how long will my team have access to the Dashboard Enterprise plan?
You and your team will have access to Dashboard Enterprise for one year. Depending on whether you have the Resilience Dynamic® Indicator or Questionnaire included in your plan, you may have to schedule a resilience coach debrief at the beginning of your plan. For the remaining features, such as the Resilience Tracker, Resilience Fundamentals & the Resilience Toolkit, you will have a full year to track your resilience daily or dip in and explore the wide range of resilience-boosting tools.
What extra Resilience Dynamic Dashboard® features will I get with the Dashboard Enterprise solution?
Dashboard Enterprise offers all features covered in the Dashboard Team solution (Resilience Dynamic® Questionnaire or Indicator, Resilience Fundamentals & Resilience Toolkit) and includes the Resilience Tracker. The Resilience Tracker feature gives you and your workforce the opportunity to see your resilience demand vs capacity data trends day to day.