We supported Google in building resilience into their culture.
Resilience Pilot Programme: Dashboard Enterprise.

Google – Googler Engagement division, needed to address internal wellbeing survey scores which were consistently lower than other areas of Google.
They needed long-term, sustainable solutions to help their people manage change better and minimise overwhelm.
See it
The RDQ & Debrief enabled all participants to evaluate their own resilience and identify any areas for improvement, while they monitored daily resilience drivers using the Tracker.
“I was able to see patterns that I could talk to my coach about & discuss ways to improve resilience.”
“Great way to gain insight into yourself/your habits.”
92% found their Debrief conversation beneficial in understanding their resilience better.
85% found the Resilience Tracker brilliant for becoming more self aware of their patterns.
Understand it
All Google participants grew their understanding of resilience using the Toolkit and personalised Tool Pathways. Participants in Group B completed 3 additional coaching sessions.
“The program paired with monthly coaching…helped me hone in on my opportunities & watch areas well.”
“This has made me more effective at work, prioritisation & time wise.”
100% of Group B found ongoing coaching highly impactful, with an average resilience increase of 20% compared to 8% in Group A.
94% found the programme excellent and would recommend to others.
Optimise it
Following the success of this pilot in 2021, Google embedded resilience by rolling out Dashboard Enterprise to 450 employees globally in 2022.
“I have been able to incorporate resilience as a structure in…processes so that my team can be better supported to become resilient.”
“It has made it a norm to talk about resilience…with my manager & teammates.”
90% of participants increased their resilience score by between 5-40%.
65% decrease in resilience drains.
59% increase in resilience Secure Areas.
felt more able to ask for help
felt more optimistic about the future
felt more fulfilled in life
Clarity around the concept of resilience has helped to inspire ideas around creating structures to scale resilience as part of the team’s day to day.
Google Participant
Googler Engagement
It has definitely increased our ability to talk about this (resilience) with others in our team.
Google Participant
Googler Engagement
It helped me notice patterns in my life that helped me make changes for the better.
Google Participant
Googler Engagement