Coaching and Resilience Accreditation Programme

Staff across North East Learning Collaborative (NELC) and at NHS Grampian were dealing with the pressure of ensuring quality patient care while undergoing extreme organisational change and the financial constraints of austerity, with stress negatively impacting on both wellbeing and productivity.
The Resilience Dynamic was commissioned to support staff in resilience and wellbeing from 2019 onward.
See it
Understand it
The workshops explored Resilience Dynamic tools such as the top barriers and enablers of resilience, offering practical understanding of how to enable resilience in others.
Optimise it
The Resilience Dynamic book and materials such as Stress postcards are distributed within NELC to support staff to inform and enable staff to optimise their resilience in an ongoing way.
NHS Grampian invested in the Resilience Accreditation Programme, building an inhouse resilience capability which supported staff with coaching throughout Covid.
Learned a lot and took away a number of action points to implement at an individual level and within my team.
NELC and NHS Grampian
Very good, gave me tips which I have taken away and use on almost a daily basis.
NELC and NHS Grampian