A Resilient Culture at the Heart of Everything You Do
We help you measure what drives resilience in your business, so you can see where you need to be and how you can get there.
An organisation with a resilient culture wins the War on Talent across the full employee experience
Resilience enhances adaptability
The development of a resilient culture starts by connecting deeply with the ‘why’ of what you do. Living and working through your values, your resilience and wellbeing will greatly improve.
Resilience supports wellbeing
Feeling safe having conversations around resilience and wellbeing is part of a positive workplace culture, which helps you to absorb the effects of stress more easily and feel more energised. This means you can better support yourself and others.
Resilience enables learning
When your resilience demands outweigh your capacity, there is no extra space to learn or innovate. In balancing these, you become empowered to release your creativity.
Adapt well to change
When your organisation adapts well to change it invests in continual business improvement while embedding competency and capability, giving employees reasons to stay, not leave.
Choose a resilience journey that fits what you need.

Here’s how we established the foundation for a resilient culture within Google, their Googler Engagement division experienced lower-than-average wellbeing survey scores
See it
A pilot of the Resilience Dynamic Dashboard® (Dashboard Enterprise) enabled employees in Googler Engagement to see their resilience at an individual level.
- The Resilience Dynamic® Questionnaire and debrief enabled participants to see their current resilience level, the secure areas of their resilience, and areas to focus on improving.
- 92% found their debrief highly impactful in gaining clarity about their Questionnaire report.
- The Resilience Tracker provided a “great way to gain insight into yourself/your habits” by evaluating resilience demand versus capacity and energy daily.
Understand it
The Resilience Toolkit enabled further learning while half of participants continued 1:1 coaching sessions to develop a deeper understanding of their resilience.
- “Being able to meet with my coach for 3 sessions helped me to understand my resilience better [...] This has made me more effective at work, prioritisation and time wise”
- 100% of respondents who participated in ongoing coaching found the sessions valuable in honing in on opportunities to boost their resilience.
- Participants gained deeper understanding by reflecting on self-coaching activities in the Resilience Toolkit, and received personalised recommendations in their Tool Pathway.
Optimise it
Google are building resilience into their workplace culture by rolling out this programme globally in 2022 as a result of the success of the pilot.
- 90% of participants increased their resilience score; the average increase was 16% in just 4 months.
- Additional 1:1 coaching significantly boosted participants’ resilience with an average uplift of 20%, compared to an 8% uplift for those who only had an initial debrief.
- Participants shared their learning with peers, making it “a norm to talk about resilience [...] with my manager and team mates” and the interest in the Programme is now the foundation for the global rollout.
Click below to read more about our work with Google
found their debrief highly impactful
of participants felt more optimistic about the future
of participants felt more fulfilled in life
found their debrief highly impactful
of participants felt more optimistic about the future
of participants felt more fulfilled in life

Clarity around the concept of resilience has helped to inspire ideas around creating structures to scale resilience as part of the team’s day to day.
Does your business’s culture need a resilience power boost?
No Wellbeing Initiatives
While organisations at the top of Josh Bersin’s Healthy Organisation Model spend more on wellbeing, they are 5.4x more effective at recruiting top talent and 3.2x more likely to engage and retain employees. A lack of wellbeing initiatives will not work for your people. Resilience does.
Misaligned Core Values
Do your people know your organisation’s core values and live them through their work? Embedding resilience at the centre of your organisation’s culture helps your workforce to align and work towards clear goals, improving productivity by connecting to the purpose.
Lack of Communication
Effective teams require effective communication. If this is missing in your organisation, developing a resilient culture can help build the psychological safety and trust needed to ask questions, as well as listen more effectively.
Resilient Culture FAQs
What are the biggest contributions to organisational resilience?
Teams are at the heart of a resilient organisation. Teams that nurture what we term ’Resilience Assets’: key individuals, key teams, key processes, purpose and core values; which when combined and aligned, become the golden thread of resilience that joins the organisation so there is agility, adaptability and coherence.
How can I build an internal resilience capability?
There are two ways to do this. Consider creating a cohort of specialised practitioners via the Resilience Accreditation Programme, plus start to get some of the resilience tools into the organisation. Start off with the Resilience Dynamic® Questionnaire and debrief for managers, for example. Try out Resilience Skills for Managers. Create the bedrock of a common language and framework, and go from there.
What Resilience Dynamic solution is best suited to improving organisational culture?
Our Dashboard Enterprise solution includes key Dashboard features for personal resilience but also offers both an insight into Organisational Drivers plus the real-time Resilience Tracker. Both shine a light on the culture within your organisation.
Will investing in resilience change how potential recruits will see us?
Yes indeed! If you are competing for Talent within the War on Talent, then considering how to become the ‘Employer of Choice’ will help you differentiate. People expect an employer to not just offer flexible terms and conditions but, more so, a more balanced way of working and living. The Resilience Dynamic Dashboard® is the first service that will help you get to grips with this, real-time, with real data.