Mastering Resilience: How Resilience Coaching Helps Navigate Complexity

If you’re here, it’s because complexity is at your doorstep

As a coach, do you experience any of the following in your clients? Or as a leader or internal coach/OD/HR, do you experience any of these inside your organisation? 

  • Facing stark and unpalatable choices around career versus family, or work versus wellbeing
  • Despite enabling lots of change, nothing changes
  • Challenges are just too overwhelming so despite leaders talking about them, they remain unresolved 
  • People are using stalling or displacement as tactics to shy away from tough conversations 
  • Feeling low because of feeling stuck  

You might yourself, as a result, end up losing your own confidence because your support or leadership doesn’t seem to shift the dial. That despite knowing that you are a competent, experienced professional! 

The Resilience Dynamic community of practitioners experience these dilemmas in our clients and client systems because they are all resulting from an increasingly complex world. Our research has held a deep enquiry into how to enable positive and long-lasting shifts despite complex and difficult circumstances.

This has shown up many facets of the impact of complexity. Some of the consequences – like procrastination or avoiding the truth of a situation – come directly as a consequence of the stress reaction. Another set are less obvious, since they are a result of not accounting for people’s capacity and resilience when planning and executing change.  

This is where the savvy Resilience Dynamic practitioner can make a difference! 

The Resilience Dynamic Practitioner 

Here’s what you can count on as a Resilience Dynamic practitioner, either as a coach yourself, or if you are commissioning resilience-informed coaching. 

A Resilience Dynamic Accredited Coach Is…
A safe pair of hands
Be ethically clearer and confident no matter the resilience of the client.
Able to pace the work for success
This is because with resilience-informed coaching, the client will be developing how to boost and release more capacity, no matter what’s going on.
More themselves
They have less need to please, embrace their own power and are able to shift that power up/down according to what the client and situation needs. Gentleness, not-knowing and boldness will each be within their grasp. They choose.
Part of a supportive community
Through the regular Connect & Learn, CPD and conferences within the Resilience Dynamic community of practice, practitioners are never alone! We share, initiate and deliver work together, support, and cry and laugh together. This services the practitioners, and it also serves our clients well, since they get all of our best thinking.

Coach Commissioner Working With Resilience Dynamic Coaches Knows…
You have a coach or panel of coaches who understand the impact of complexity
On decision making
On wellbeing
In group and team dynamics
On the whole organisation’s capacity for embracing change and pivoting
That leaders and managers who benefit will not just ‘recover’, but will be helped to put in place longer term strategies and habits for enabling both resilience and wellbeing.
That those who benefit from resilience-informed coaching will be shifting from reacting to proacting.
That those who benefit from resilience-informed coaching will release more capacity, and that in turn will have a positive knock-on consequence for productivity.
That the Resilience Dynamic senior community can help create and embed practices, processes and data tools to keep the resilience muscles of the organisation nurtured and developing.

How do we know this?

Firstly, the materials in which any Resilience Dynamic Accredited Practitioner are able to use are based on our 17+ years of research. We have many proof points now of the approach and how it works to create the bedrock for Healthy, High Performance.  

Uplift in Resilience Based on Resilience Dynamic Programmes

Full Programme

Invest fully in data and tracking to achieve resilience increases of ~20%.

Resilience Dynamic Dashboard® Enterprise solution

Individual and team coaching

Light-Touch Programme

Invest in a light-touch data driven approach to achieve resilience increases of ~12%.

Resilience Dynamic Dashboard® Team solution

Team coaching

Explore our case studies here.

Our work is aligned to that of Josh Bersin which has proven the ROI for such investment is five-fold. 

If you want to learn more about the Healthy, High Performance business case, read our data paper – Journey to Healthy, High Performance Please note: You will need to register to obtain our free articles and data papers

The second is how we run the Resilience Accreditation Programme. It’s a 6-8 month rigorous coach training programme for experienced practitioners that equips people theoretically and practically in the Resilience Dynamic framework. Practitioners not only have to do the work, but they also have to prove against nine rigorous criteria that they are a safe pair of hands.

Then for ongoing licensing, practitioners must re-accredit every three years, on the basis of continued resilience-related CPD, self-reflection and development. This is where our debates come from! Discover more about our Community of Practice here.

Become A Resilience Dynamic Practitioner

If you are wanting to shake hands with that complexity sitting in your doorway then join us. Bolster your practice with the Resilience Dynamic’s rigorous framework to help yourself and your clients/your leaders/your teams navigate complexity successfully.

We look forward to welcoming our 2025 cohort, in our tenth anniversary year of the programme!

Next Steps

  • Want to know more about the Resilience Accreditation Programme? Explore our programme information, benefits, dates and prices.
  • Apply to join the 2025 Resilience Accreditation Programme cohort

Author: Jenny Campbell Founder and CEO of the Resilience Dynamic

Follow Jenny on LinkedIn for more of her thoughts, resilience research, and ideas.

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